It's bound to explode.
I am having on of those really anxious weeks. There is so much going on that just thinking about it all is exhausting. The anime convention is this weekend and I am beside myself with anticipation. This will be my first anime convention and not to mention the first attempt at cosplay the maid cafe as "Maid Mariel". Picture this... Japanese maid meets Rayna... Only one word to describe. Kawaii!!! I have to mention this is all thanks to Ryan and Samm, without their genius imagination and super human determination this would never have been possible.
Besides the thrilling ride of this weekend we finally got my mother into a new car!!!! 20,000+ miles of instant stress relief. I was getting seriously uneasy about her driving that truck anymore. I found myself not letting her come get the kids because of it and that felt awful! How heartless I had to be. But no more. Thank God for small favors, if she hadn't been rear ended by that idiot in Edina this may have been delayed even longer.
Still no word on the home. Both Nikki and I are walking on egg shells trying not to talk about how impatient we feel. It's worse than watching grass grow. I would willingly watch the grass grow if it meant I wouldn't be homeless in a month. Nikki is out of her apt on this Thursday. We will officially all be under this 2 bedroom roof (and a storage facility) for the next month. I just want it to be smooth and closed so I can go blow all the money I have been saving at IKEA and be done with it. Is that really too much to ask?